Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Saying Nothing and Philosophical Nonsense

Individuals of the species of human beings attempt to put effort into the deliberate thought to circumvent veracity and legitimate authentic reality through the philosophical possibility that “We don’t know we exist” – or so some try to say. I have found this notion completely absurd. The energy of my consciousness that allows me to make complexly arranged observations and understand them demonstrates that we exist. Where did the act of my ability to consciously observe reality come from – if it is true that my conscious does not exist? It is not, therefore, possible to be non-existent. If it were truly non-existence, then there would be no possible deliberate rejection of existence. Non-existence would be to not even know that you do not exist. There would be no conscious realization of the lack of reality. I have, therefore, rejected this. We exist and we must live with our existence with Christ our God.
There is another article that I desire, hope, and aspire to talk about. The item that I am clinging to hope and desire in my aspiration to talk about is nothing. That is with precise, accurate, and truthful declaration that you have understood me; I truly said nothing. It is imperative and has the weight of being with significant and vital importance to talk about nothing every so often. If a person always talks about something, then he has deprived himself of the benefit and enjoyment in talking of nothing. If we never talked about nothing, then we would always be talking about something and there is no entertainment in that. The purpose in talking about nothing is to fine tune your aptitude and increase your capacity with expressing yourself in language. If you can do it about nothing, then most certainly you can do it about anything! So I would like to write this paper without saying anything at all. I want to say nothing. What is the quantity or the given numerical expression that describes the relation of diverse ways I can come up with to say nothing? Perhaps there are many. There might even be millions. I am in doubt that I could even come close to saying all of them. I often ponder about saying as many words as possible while not saying a single meaningful word. I hope that the reader catches my intuition here. By the mere fact that words are on a paper, it is given that something is being said. Truly the paper is about something. Is it, therefore, possible to say nothing? I realized that the solution of my problem was that I needed to make “nothing” the subject. Although I may be saying something, I am talking about nothing. Therefore, as long as I keep nothing as the subject without diverting my attention from it, then I have succeeded in talking about nothing. Although I have said many words, I have literally said many words about nothing. It is a senseless ramble of poetic jargon. The purpose has been stated before to be to increase your use of language. This can be most exquisitely realized through poetry. I had wondered in my process of talking about nothing, could I use one hundred percent English words and still sound like I am speaking a foreign language? Truly this would be an achievement. Could I speak English without people who speak English understanding my flow of speech? Let me see – I put a stipulating condition of unknown certainty and doubt to say perhaps you may not understand the foregoing words, but in the case that you do comprehend this stretch of connected words that continue this thought, then with great caution I say that perhaps you are a prodigy, for it is a continuation of a line of random musings with the declaration of connotation and implications to be nonentity and complete absurd loquor.